Previously, the old curriculum has been made out dated in that its now only in current senior four and above being replaced by the new curriculum for the lower secondary school classes. The new curriculum has been aimed at making creative, innovative and patriotic citizens. New curriculum looks to be improved and is said to be more helpful as compared to the old curriculum.

The new curriculum has taught people hard work since it involves one exposing his or her skills through projects they make, the work they research, the DIT studies they have to do practically. This makes it overlap the old curriculum which only gives students everything making them look like babies to be fed. The new curriculum builds students confidence because they are entitled to be debating, explaining their research, explaining their projects to the community and so many more. The old curriculum doesn’t build people’s confidence that much compared to the new curriculum.

The new curriculum promotes friendship between students since they are grouped and have time to interact and also know each other further. The old curriculum doesn’t emphasize friendship since academic is personal and competitive.

On the other hand, the new curriculum didn’t favor all areas of life in that it kind of brought some negative changes to some people and these include; the new curriculum didn’t favor the students who can’t cope up with the many activities and it causes stress to some of them in that there are projects, DIT activities, research work etc. in addition the new curriculum materials are scarce for example books with details, phones and so on. So, it is so hard to find information needed.

Nevertheless, this curriculum is so beneficial to the rest of the world in that it produces hardworking, creative and innovative people who in turn will promote Uganda’s development.

By Nantale Shakira

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